
Cantor Heather Batchelor graduated from the Jewish Theological Seminary where she received a master’s degree in Sacred Music and investiture as hazzan. She has held pulpits at Dorshei Emet (Hampstead, QC), Congregation Kneses Tifereth Israel (Port Chester, NY), Temple Rodef Shalom (Hampton,VA) and Temple Beth Ahm (Aberdeen,NJ).
Hailing from Minneapolis, MN, Cantor Batchelor graduated summa cum laude from the University of Minnesota with a combined degree in Jewish Studies, Slavic Languages and Literatures, and East European History. She began dancing at the age of seven and performing in theater and commercials at the age of ten. By the age of twelve she was studying in a full-time theater school and graduated high school from the Minnesota Conservatory of Performing Arts. Cantor Batchelor has traveled extensively overseas. Her study abroad has included original research in Poland, yoga and classical dance study in India and a year in Jerusalem as part of her cantorial studies. Cantor Batchelor has studied singing and hazzanut privately with Hazzan Jacob Ben- Zion Mendelson, Hazzan Faith Steinsnyder, Adrienne Cooper, Michael Alpert and Richard Slade (of the Western Wind). Cantor Batchelor lives with her husband, Steven Winkelman, and son, Benny, in Canada.